How a Killer Brand Voice Created Loyal Fans

brand clothing

Photo from @reformation on Instagram

Today I’m talking about Reformation. Not the Martin Luther one, the sustainable fashion brand one. The Reformation that’s been taking 20-something fashionistas by storm since morphing from LA vintage store to online clothing phenomenon in 2009.

Although this post started out in admiration of one of the best brand voices in the business, along the way it uncovered some dark truths. Despite the utter joy of Reformation’s email marketing (we’ll get to that), this brand is also a reminder that when you lack integrity and stop putting people first, bad things follow.

The highs and lows of Reformation

As the story goes, Reformation founder Yael Aflalo had been sourcing clothing from China but disillusioned with the supply chain, decided to open a factory in LA. In 2013, she started to sell directly on the web, nailing Reformation’s home-grown, sustainable credentials to the mast. Two years later, having approached styling and photography not quite like anyone else, Reformation had brought in over 25 million dollars in revenue.

But amongst the phenomenal sales, sassy attitude and drool-worthy dressing, Reformation began to court the wrong kind of controversy. Dogged by firsthand allegations of racism towards staff and with management denounced as a clique of obsessive selfie-takers, Yael stepped down as founder in 2020. Introspection followed…

Unpicking Reformation’s verbal identity

Despite the colourful history, that’s not why I want to talk about Reformation.

No, what I can’t get enough of is that voice. That dead-pan, eye-rolling, I-don’t-even-care voice that sounds like no one else. Let’s start with the email marketing.

Here’s an example email subject:

LOVE TO WATCH YOU LEAVE - In neon Ref. shoes

Sassy. Bold. In-yer-face CAPS. And when you open the email, striking photos match up with hardly any text to read like a tiny story.

“Gotta go.

Neon Ref shoes are here.

For looking hot as you’re walking away.

From your house.

Or a date who doesn’t think climate change is real.


And how about social media? I love the following caption; it’s the perfect way to acknowledge there’s a lot of greenwashing going on in fashion while showing off your own sustainability with a massive amount of cred.

“90% recycled cashmere. Because we’re not perfect, despite what our moms may tell us.”

brand clothing

Photo from @reformation on Instagram

So why does it work?

  1. The strength of the voice creates ultimate fans

    Constant references to relationship status. Ridiculously direct. Defiant, bold and unapologetic. In a world where fashion is having an existential crisis about its very existence, where identity is bewildering, this voice is rebellious and refreshing. And if you don’t agree with who they are, you can go away. This is a voice that’s so strong it’s divisive, either pushing people away or creating die-hard fans.

  2. A voice that talks in the audience’s shoes

    Reformation talks the everyday experience of its customers out loud. And that makes you feel like you’re not on your own. It makes you feel like you’re part of something. It’s more than fashion, it’s a directive for living, sticking two fingers up at whatever society says is normal for relationships or a stage of life.

  3. Unswerving from FAQs to Tiktok

    From web page to product description to email, the big themes of this voice never change: defiance, relationships, looking good, climate change. With sass.

    Here’s an example of an FAQ in action:

    “How do you verify that your certifications are actually legit?”

    And the brand strapline itself:

    “Being naked is the #1 most sustainable option. We’re #2.”

    And one from Tiktok on finding the perfect copy of the ‘How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days’ dress

    “Matthew McConaughey not included with purchase.”

No matter the platform, this voice never falters.

4. Determined to walk the walk

It’s a bold voice for a bold brand that makes bold moves. Reformation will be climate positive by 2025. It’s literally making massive strides towards the kind of fashion economy we really need.

Despite the mistakes, Reformation is a brand voice leader. And if you don’t like it, they’ll break up with you. OK?

Find the words to connect with your target audience.

Martha Moger

Creative copywriter. Tell the story, put your audience first, write like you talk.

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